Sunday, January 14, 2007

Doubting Thomas' Take Control of the Gavel

The Democrats recently took over control of congress from the Republicans. The Republicans had enjoyed a lengthy stay as the majority party before being tossed out as personas non grata. All eyes turn towards the Democrats as they lead off with their 100 hour plan to better America in their image. With the takeover comes changes in leadership positions as the chairs of the committee chairmanships are now being occupied by Charlie Rangel, Joe Biden, Carl Levin, and all the other old men who have out lived their peers to earn such top billing. We will now see the course the Democrats choose to take our country in. Will they keep us moving along down the highway or veer off into the opposite lane into oncoming traffic. The jury is still out on that especially since the Democrats are salivating to complete the trifecta by taking the White House in '08. The only thing we really know is that any attempts by President Bush to garner support by Democrats to push for success in Iraq is going to be met by the Democrats driving with the emergency brake all the way. Maybe it is because the Democrats feel it is still the Vietnam era and they must oppose this war at all costs to our country and our soldiers to save face with the radicals that now control their party. That is because the Democrat party is made up of sniveling cowards who break when things get tough. I will admit the current plan to send in an additional 21,000 troops may not solve the problems in Iraq. Maybe if we had gone in lock, stock, and smoking barrels and used our full military muscle we wouldn't have to deal with Dennis Kucinich and all the other liberal surrenderists. Maybe it was not such a great idea to treat our military like a pencil and sharpen it to a nub but instead keep it big and strong so it is fully capable to defend us from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Because if we must count on as Rush Limbaugh called Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco treat our country may not see another birthday.