Sunday, January 21, 2007

Even Though It's Winter It's Flip Flop Weather in New England

I just wonder what it is about New England that causes the politicians to be born without a spine? Of course I am speaking about the Democrat politicians but it seems more and more rinos (Republican In Name Only) then elephants are popping up in the Republican ranks in New England. But I would like to keep my focus on the liberals that define the region of the country famous for fishing and maple syrup. Recently comments have been made by Democrat politicians about the troop surge in Iraq. It just so happens that these individuals have also been linked to presidential runs in 2008. They include the likes of Joe Biden, Christopher Dud, I mean Dodd, and the king flip flopper John Kerry. Each Senator has come out vehemently opposed to sending in more troops into Iraq to quell the violence and bring about a stable democratic regime in the region. You might ask what is the problem after all people are entitled to their opinions? The problem is these individuals had made previous statements quite contrary to their current ones. Each one had on a previous occasion declared the importance of success in Iraq and the need to increase troops in the region. Why Joe Biden not long after we had entered Iraq was declaring the need for more troops to do the job there effectively. I guess I do not understand the abrupt change in these men's thinking. We needed more troops before and now when they state that the region is on the verge of utter collapse we don't need more troops. I guess one could be disgusted by the way these men seem to stick their finger in the air to see where the wind blows to make a decision. I would simply say that this is how Democrats operate. They wait for the opinion polls to tell them how they should vote or what their position should be on an issue. One could almost respect someone even if they had a different opinion from their own if that person had the courage to stand up for what he believed in. President Bush may have his faults but you can't fault him for standing by his convictions. He knows some of his ideas are going to be vilified in the press and he still stands by them because he knows he is doing what is best for our country. These weak-willed cowards that hold elected office are all to willing to sell their souls to please the radicals that run their party. I hope whatever their prize that they covet is worth it be it power or glory because sooner or later someone is going to collect on what is owed them.

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