Author: James William Smith
His Presidential campaign was left for dead by almost everyone in the late summer of 2007. Many of his senior advisors had quit his campaign or had been fired. In just six months, his campaign had run through its sizable financial war chest ($25 million) and was broke. However, these sad occurrences were not even his worst problem.
McCain had just negotiated a compromise bill with Democrats behind close doors. The Republican Party's conservative base hated the path to citizenship for illegal aliens proposal that was a result of his sponsored bill. Both conservative and independent voters saw the compromise bill as amnesty for illegal aliens and swarmed Washington like angry bees around honey. The very people whose votes McCain needed to win the 2008 Presidential election killed his immigration bill. His Republican supporters felt betrayed and his public opinion poll numbers plunged well below 10% nationwide. He sank to fourth place in public opinion polls in the early primary voting state of New Hampshire.
McCain was running a campaign that could not manage money, made bad hiring decisions, and had a tin ear concerning one of the most important issues to his base of support. Worse, he was making decisions behind close doors and looked like a Washington insider. This in an election year in which the public almost unanimously disapproves of the way Congress is doing its job. Indeed, by the early fall of 2007, John McCain looked like the ultimate Washington insider. He appeared to the Republican Party as old, out of touch, and his campaign looked to be finished.
What McCain has done since his campaign's late summer low point is what he has done successfully throughout his life. This man, when faced with extreme adversity, simply does not quit. McCain stopped spending money and carried his own bags. He took buses instead of planes. He poked fun at himself and at his advanced age. He was always open and amicable to reporter. He has continued to campaign tirelessly. It has also helped McCain that the troop surge in Iraq which he has long supported is working.
The voting public appreciates McCain's campaign persistence and the fact that his campaign is not staged and reliant on every public opinion poll. The result is that McCain is suddenly surging as the election draws near. He has moved within two points of the lead in the New Hampshire primary that he has to win. Nationally, McCain is now within 4% of Republican leaders, Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee.
In the last few weeks, his support has doubled in Iowa. In addition, the latest polling has indicated that McCain has the lowest core opposition of any candidate in this year's election in either party (Rasmussen). Republicans will also consider that McCain is leading in a trial match up with every Democratic candidate in the general election.
In this Presidential election campaign, the voters want change. However they do not want to create unnecessary political risk inherent with that change. Therefore, experience is also a valuable commodity. A person's character is always well considered by the voting public. In the last several months, McCain has demonstrated both his character and experience in adversity.
Still, McCain's road to winning the Republican Presidential nomination has many obstacles. He does not have the money in his campaign war chest to properly compete for primary voters nationwide. It is essential that he win the primary election in New Hampshire for his campaign to remain viable. McCain also needs to somehow reclaim some of the support from conservative voters that he lost in the last six months. The truth is that he should have stayed away from the illegal immigration issue and gone on vacation last summer.
The good news for McCain is that it is a volatile election year and all the candidates are still very close in the public opinion polls. As a result, the 2008 Republican primary election could turn out to be an extended war of attrition. If that is the case, we should never underestimate this former American hero and POW. In any war, based on his courage, discipline, integrity and character, John McCain could well be the last man standing.
Article Source:
About the Author:
James William Smith has worked in senior management positions for some of the largest financial services firms in the United States for the last twenty five years. He has also provided business consulting support for insurance organizations and start up businesses. Mr. Smith has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Boston College. He enjoys writing articles on political, national, and world events.Visit his website at
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Daily Drudge
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Daily Drudge
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Fox News All Stars
The candidacy of John McCain was put to the panel for discussion, and his apparent rise or surge in some polls. The clearest representation of this is in New Hampshire where polls have him trailing Mitt Romney in second place. Fred Barnes has noticed the response to McCain in recent weeks as well. "I went out with him last week, and he's getting larger crowds, he's getting enormous interest." So why the new found interest in McCain? Barnes goes on to explain the enormous character of McCain as a defining feature, one that will attract those who might have written him off months ago. The panel's focus on John McCain centered on his Christmas ad that pointed to him experience as a POW, and its religious overtones. Part of the reawakening to McCain might be his chances against the Democratic candidate in a head to head match up. Bret Baier mentioned a new poll that put McCain up five points against Hillary Clinton. Republicans want a win in '08 and if John McCain is the candidate to defeat the Democrats, especially Hillary, Republicans might warm up to the Arizona Senator. But as Charles Krauthammer points out the significance of New Hampshire for John McCain, the hope is that it launches him forward to the other contests. The all stars also touched on Huckabee's comments about the Bush foreign policy being one of bunker mentality. Condolezza Rice flatly denied such claims in a recent press conference. Fred Barnes regarded Huckabee's claims as false citing the United State's attempts at multilateral meetings with North Korea in an attempt to get them to give up their nuclear weapons. He also mentioned the efforts in dealing with Iran. Mort Kondracke felt that Romney in Iowa, and McCain in New Hampshire, might gain from voter apprehension aimed at Huckabee. Recent comments by Huckabee have caused some to question his foreign policy strategy or philosophy. Competing views of our entry into Iraq, Kondracke wondering if world opinion and Middle East stability would be the current condition, and Krauthammer and Barnes not buying that notion with Krauthammer calling Kondracke's assumptions, "pie in the sky."
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Daily Drudge

The top headline from The Drudge Report
Vlad's $40B Stash?,,2230924,00.html
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Helping Liberals Find Their Truth
The Truth Generator-Liberals, no more hours wasted coming up with responses to those you hate, loathe, and despise.
I came across a site recently that was aimed at helping liberals find their truth.
"Attention progressive, socialist, liberal, pacifist, anarchist, feminist, or environmentalist debaters! Whether you are fighting the class enemy over the Internet, in school, or at your parent's house over dinner, this tool is for you. No more awkward mumbling or looking for the right word! Just enter your ideological opponent's name and generate a Progressive Truth that will render your enemies speechless!"
Read more at The People's Cube
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I came across a site recently that was aimed at helping liberals find their truth.
"Attention progressive, socialist, liberal, pacifist, anarchist, feminist, or environmentalist debaters! Whether you are fighting the class enemy over the Internet, in school, or at your parent's house over dinner, this tool is for you. No more awkward mumbling or looking for the right word! Just enter your ideological opponent's name and generate a Progressive Truth that will render your enemies speechless!"
Read more at The People's Cube
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The Daily Drudge
The top headline from The Drudge Report
Huckaboom Boom Boom; Tops National Poll
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Huckaboom Boom Boom; Tops National Poll
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Daily Drudge
The top headline from The Drudge Report
Bush Dad 'Will Help President Hillary Restore USA Image'
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Bush Dad 'Will Help President Hillary Restore USA Image'
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Holiday Torture-Christmasboarding Liberals by J.J. Jackson
Author: J.J. Jackson
When the founding fathers repeatedly referred to God through various flowery and reverent terms in the Declaration of Independence, there was a reason for it. The reason is that they believed in God as men of deep Judeo-Christian faith.
When George Washington prayed at Valley Forge he did not do so just because he thought that it might have been a novel idea. No, there was a deeper reason for it. That reason was his Christian faith.
When the founding fathers as one proudly proclaimed in writing upon signing the United States Constitution that they did such “in the year of our Lord”, they did not do so for window dressing. They did so because they all believed in some way in the Christian God.
When John Adams stated boldly that the constitution, “was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other,” he didn’t just blurt those words out. No, he said them because he, like so many others believed in God and had engrained that faith into our country and our founding documents.
Now, I could go on and on and spend this entire article citing historical examples that tie the Judeo-Christian faith into the very fabric of America. But what I would rather do is make a joyous suggestion to everyone. That suggestion is to do your civic duty this Christmas season and annoy a liberal.
How? Well I am glad you asked! Annoy them by subjecting them to a torture that is so unbearable, so repulsive, so unmentionable in polite company that you will no doubt be hearing rumblings from the United Nations about how it should be made illegal. Am I talking about waterboarding? Heck no. I am talking about something far worse. So please, consider Christmasboarding a liberal while you still can.
What is Christmasboarding?
It’s quite simple really. Anytime a liberal approaches you in the coming days and wants to deny reality this Christmas, you simply hit them over the head with the truth. The great thing is that you don’t actually have to tie them down to do this because they will be so incensed with their own outrage that you would dare put reality before them that they will be paralyzed and unable to move. Thus making your task all the easier.
When a liberal steeped in political correctness approaches you and wishes you “Happy Holidays” you simply respond by saying, “And a Merry Christmas to you.”
When the liberal chides you for being so “exclusive” in your greeting, you simply again wish them a “Merry Christmas”.
When the liberal complains that you are being “insensitive” by not including all faiths in your wishes of good tiding you yet again wish them, this time with a smile, a “Merry Christmas”.
When the liberal points wildly at the beautifully decorated tree in the town square and shouts, “Don’t you see the ‘Holiday Tree’?!?” you get an even bigger grin and say, “Yes, I see the Christmas Tree.” And then again wish them a “Merry Christmas.”
Now, red faced and distraught, the liberal will start demanding answers to other questions trying in vain to escape from your clutches and the horrific experience you are putting them through. When they ask you through foaming spit if you even understand how Jesus was not even born on December 25th. You just smile and say, “I know and Merry Christmas.”
When the liberal raises his or her voice to a fevered scream and asks you if you even know that this “Christmas” thing used to be a pagan holiday, you just keep smiling and say, “Yes,” and quickly follow with, “Merry Christmas.”
When he or she threatens to call the police on you for harassing them by refusing to stop saying “Merry Christmas,” you swell with pride and say, “Good, then I can wish our law enforcement a Merry Christmas too!”
At this point you will hear a loud “pop”. That is the sound of the liberal’s brain burning out and you will see a blank stare cross their face and they will collapse into the fetal position, begin sucking on their thumbs and muttering over and over, “Separation of church and state ... I will not recognize religion exists ... the ACLU will save me ...”
And then you can just walk away and search for the next liberal to Christmasboard.
Merry Christmas and have fun!
Article Source:
About the Author:J.J. Jackson is the owner of American Conservative Daily Blog . He is also the lead designer for The Right Things - Conservative Political T-shirts . His weekly articles and exclusive content can be found at Liberty Reborn .
When the founding fathers repeatedly referred to God through various flowery and reverent terms in the Declaration of Independence, there was a reason for it. The reason is that they believed in God as men of deep Judeo-Christian faith.
When George Washington prayed at Valley Forge he did not do so just because he thought that it might have been a novel idea. No, there was a deeper reason for it. That reason was his Christian faith.
When the founding fathers as one proudly proclaimed in writing upon signing the United States Constitution that they did such “in the year of our Lord”, they did not do so for window dressing. They did so because they all believed in some way in the Christian God.
When John Adams stated boldly that the constitution, “was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other,” he didn’t just blurt those words out. No, he said them because he, like so many others believed in God and had engrained that faith into our country and our founding documents.
Now, I could go on and on and spend this entire article citing historical examples that tie the Judeo-Christian faith into the very fabric of America. But what I would rather do is make a joyous suggestion to everyone. That suggestion is to do your civic duty this Christmas season and annoy a liberal.
How? Well I am glad you asked! Annoy them by subjecting them to a torture that is so unbearable, so repulsive, so unmentionable in polite company that you will no doubt be hearing rumblings from the United Nations about how it should be made illegal. Am I talking about waterboarding? Heck no. I am talking about something far worse. So please, consider Christmasboarding a liberal while you still can.
What is Christmasboarding?
It’s quite simple really. Anytime a liberal approaches you in the coming days and wants to deny reality this Christmas, you simply hit them over the head with the truth. The great thing is that you don’t actually have to tie them down to do this because they will be so incensed with their own outrage that you would dare put reality before them that they will be paralyzed and unable to move. Thus making your task all the easier.
When a liberal steeped in political correctness approaches you and wishes you “Happy Holidays” you simply respond by saying, “And a Merry Christmas to you.”
When the liberal chides you for being so “exclusive” in your greeting, you simply again wish them a “Merry Christmas”.
When the liberal complains that you are being “insensitive” by not including all faiths in your wishes of good tiding you yet again wish them, this time with a smile, a “Merry Christmas”.
When the liberal points wildly at the beautifully decorated tree in the town square and shouts, “Don’t you see the ‘Holiday Tree’?!?” you get an even bigger grin and say, “Yes, I see the Christmas Tree.” And then again wish them a “Merry Christmas.”
Now, red faced and distraught, the liberal will start demanding answers to other questions trying in vain to escape from your clutches and the horrific experience you are putting them through. When they ask you through foaming spit if you even understand how Jesus was not even born on December 25th. You just smile and say, “I know and Merry Christmas.”
When the liberal raises his or her voice to a fevered scream and asks you if you even know that this “Christmas” thing used to be a pagan holiday, you just keep smiling and say, “Yes,” and quickly follow with, “Merry Christmas.”
When he or she threatens to call the police on you for harassing them by refusing to stop saying “Merry Christmas,” you swell with pride and say, “Good, then I can wish our law enforcement a Merry Christmas too!”
At this point you will hear a loud “pop”. That is the sound of the liberal’s brain burning out and you will see a blank stare cross their face and they will collapse into the fetal position, begin sucking on their thumbs and muttering over and over, “Separation of church and state ... I will not recognize religion exists ... the ACLU will save me ...”
And then you can just walk away and search for the next liberal to Christmasboard.
Merry Christmas and have fun!
Article Source:
About the Author:J.J. Jackson is the owner of American Conservative Daily Blog . He is also the lead designer for The Right Things - Conservative Political T-shirts . His weekly articles and exclusive content can be found at Liberty Reborn .
Do We Want to See This in the White House?

Rush Limbaugh poses the question. Are we ready to watch a woman age in the White House. We know that the White House takes a toll on its Oval Office inhabitants. The difference is that society views women aging in a different light then men. Rush was commenting on the photo from the photo above posted on The Drudge Report, the caption read, "The Toll of the Campaign." Limbaugh stated his comments were not so much a focus on Hillary as a reflecting on the views of those who focus on looks and appearance in this country. Might physical appearance be a deciding factor on the election? With our societal makeup the way it is it just might be.
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Monday, December 17, 2007
The Daily Drudge
The top headline from The Drudge Report
Iran Vows Second Nuke Plant
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Iran Vows Second Nuke Plant
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Friday, December 14, 2007
Fox News All Stars
The weekly group had another set of topics to discuss, all found in the Dec. 13th transcript. The panel discussed the recent Democratic debate in Des Moines yesterday. While only marginally more interesting then the Republican's debate one moment stood out for the panel. It happened to be an exchange between Obama and Clinton after a question was asked of Senator Obama. Hillary it seems could not bite her tongue.
CAROLYN WASHBURN, "DES MOINES REGISTER": With relatively little foreign policy experience of your own, how will you rely on so many Clinton advisors and still deliver the break from the past that you're promising voters?
OBAMA: You want to hear that? Well, Hillary, I'm looking forward to you advising me as well.
The panel agreed that Obama handled the situation the right way and came out of the debate the victor over Hillary. Overall the sentiment of Barnes, Kondracke, and Krauthammer was that these debates, both Democrat and Republican, were not worth much. Hillary's falling numbers were discussed and the recent issue of Bill Shaheen, a Hillary operative, quitting amid his comments about Obama and cocaine use. Between softball questions and not asking others, dealing with Iraq, Iran, the surge, or interrogation, were some of the panel's criticisms. The other issue covered was major league baseball and George Mitchell's report detailing alleged steroid users. The fallout from the report was discussed and the direction that MLB baseball will go in when dealing with steroids.
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CAROLYN WASHBURN, "DES MOINES REGISTER": With relatively little foreign policy experience of your own, how will you rely on so many Clinton advisors and still deliver the break from the past that you're promising voters?
OBAMA: You want to hear that? Well, Hillary, I'm looking forward to you advising me as well.
The panel agreed that Obama handled the situation the right way and came out of the debate the victor over Hillary. Overall the sentiment of Barnes, Kondracke, and Krauthammer was that these debates, both Democrat and Republican, were not worth much. Hillary's falling numbers were discussed and the recent issue of Bill Shaheen, a Hillary operative, quitting amid his comments about Obama and cocaine use. Between softball questions and not asking others, dealing with Iraq, Iran, the surge, or interrogation, were some of the panel's criticisms. The other issue covered was major league baseball and George Mitchell's report detailing alleged steroid users. The fallout from the report was discussed and the direction that MLB baseball will go in when dealing with steroids.
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The Economics of the Left and Right
I ripped this post from a website I came across and I thought it would be interesting to share. For those who want a distinction between how the left and right view economics, here is one man's classifies that difference.
- The right sees large deadweight losses associated with taxation and, therefore, is worried about the growth of government as a share in the economy. The left sees smaller elasticities of supply and demand and, therefore, is less worried about the distortionary effect of taxes.
- The right sees externalities as an occasional market failure that calls for government intervention, but sees this as relatively rare exception to the general rule that markets lead to efficient allocations. The left sees externalities as more pervasive.
- The right sees competition as a pervasive feature of the economy and market power as typically limited both in magnitude and duration. The left sees large corporations with substantial degrees of monopoly power that need to be checked by active antitrust policy.
- The right sees people as largely rational, doing the best the can given the constraints they face. The left sees people making systematic errors and believe that it is the government role’s to protect people from their own mistakes.
- The right sees government as a terribly inefficient mechanism for allocating resources, subject to special-interest politics at best and rampant corruption at worst. The left sees government as the main institution that can counterbalance the effects of the all-too-powerful marketplace.
- There is one last issue that divides the right and the left—perhaps the most important one. That concerns the issue of income distribution. Is the market-based distribution of income fair or unfair, and if unfair, what should the government do about it? That is such a big topic that I will devote the entire next lecture to it.
You can find the original posting of this at
Greg Mankiw's Blog
Liberal Ideology,
The Daily Drudge
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The top headline from The Drudge Report
Blast: Storm Moves into the Northeast
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Blast: Storm Moves into the Northeast
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Free a Country, Save the World
The debate has been great over our involvement in the Middle East. Many see our intervention into Iraq as a wasted venture. The results of this, they claim, are dead soldiers and a soaring operational cost. Hard pressed would you be to find one on the left who supports our efforts and increasingly the same can be said for those on the right. On the right this usually manifests itself in the ideology of the libertarian, paleoconservative, the isolationist. That opinion has a voice in this year's presidential election in the form of Ron Paul. His message is clear, no foreign involvement, we are not nation builders. I have thought about that term nation building and what it represents. Is it our singular goal in the Middle East to create it in our own image? Is our country trying to sow its imperialist roots in Iraq? I think many would say yes and not all of them would come from the left side of the aisle.
I can certainly see where the other side is coming from. No one wants to see good men and women die and certainly not in a fruitless and pointless effort. But that would mean defining our mission as pointless and I am not sure I am ready to do that. That idea runs counter to those suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome, they see the war in Iraq as a campaign for loot and plunder by an imperialist in the form of George W. Bush. I am one who with whole heart rejects that notion and believes that this is a president who believes that all in the world deserve democracy.
And that is really what the problem is, isn't it? We have become a country who has forgotten or taken for granted what democracy is. We have enjoyed it for so long we accept it as a part of our nation's fabric. But how did we get that democracy we all enjoy? We had to fight for it from those that would oppress us and keeps us under a tyrannical thumb. The people in places like Iraq, and unfortunately too many other nations, lived under such a creature. Tyrants, dictators, call them whatever you will, they do much more then keep their own people down. With the increasing flattening of our world, these people pose more of a threats to us and our allies.
Many would say that we should not force democracy of a country that has not accepted it. The problem is that they have not had the chance. They are ruled by those who know we with free society they lose their tight grip over their people. When we talk about democracy not belonging in a country, we are saying that those people do not deserve to live in a society where they do not have to fear what they say. All people deserve that much no matter where they live or god they worship. If we are an equal world with equal individuals we should banner that sentiment. Freedom and democracy does not need to be a commodity unique only to America.
I would also make the point that by a free Iraq that it increases our security and safety. In an increasing radicalization of the Middle East we need stable partners to be rational minds combating radical Islam. The rest of the world will also benefit from such a situation, although not total participants in our efforts. For too long in our recent history have we ignored what is happening off our coasts. That changed in the year 2001 when our country got the wake up call it desperately did not want. We will no longer have the option of sticking head in sand, though I fear many subscribe to this foreign policy. Democracy for the rest of the world does not mean a copycat of our American system, in fact they might benefit from avoiding our model since we seem to have trouble with it ourselves. But societies where people can freely express support and dissent without fear of tyrannical retribution is something we should fight for and champion. It is something that our founding fathers and patriots recognized and fought for, and I for one am glad they did.
I can certainly see where the other side is coming from. No one wants to see good men and women die and certainly not in a fruitless and pointless effort. But that would mean defining our mission as pointless and I am not sure I am ready to do that. That idea runs counter to those suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome, they see the war in Iraq as a campaign for loot and plunder by an imperialist in the form of George W. Bush. I am one who with whole heart rejects that notion and believes that this is a president who believes that all in the world deserve democracy.
And that is really what the problem is, isn't it? We have become a country who has forgotten or taken for granted what democracy is. We have enjoyed it for so long we accept it as a part of our nation's fabric. But how did we get that democracy we all enjoy? We had to fight for it from those that would oppress us and keeps us under a tyrannical thumb. The people in places like Iraq, and unfortunately too many other nations, lived under such a creature. Tyrants, dictators, call them whatever you will, they do much more then keep their own people down. With the increasing flattening of our world, these people pose more of a threats to us and our allies.
Many would say that we should not force democracy of a country that has not accepted it. The problem is that they have not had the chance. They are ruled by those who know we with free society they lose their tight grip over their people. When we talk about democracy not belonging in a country, we are saying that those people do not deserve to live in a society where they do not have to fear what they say. All people deserve that much no matter where they live or god they worship. If we are an equal world with equal individuals we should banner that sentiment. Freedom and democracy does not need to be a commodity unique only to America.
I would also make the point that by a free Iraq that it increases our security and safety. In an increasing radicalization of the Middle East we need stable partners to be rational minds combating radical Islam. The rest of the world will also benefit from such a situation, although not total participants in our efforts. For too long in our recent history have we ignored what is happening off our coasts. That changed in the year 2001 when our country got the wake up call it desperately did not want. We will no longer have the option of sticking head in sand, though I fear many subscribe to this foreign policy. Democracy for the rest of the world does not mean a copycat of our American system, in fact they might benefit from avoiding our model since we seem to have trouble with it ourselves. But societies where people can freely express support and dissent without fear of tyrannical retribution is something we should fight for and champion. It is something that our founding fathers and patriots recognized and fought for, and I for one am glad they did.
George W. Bush,
Iraq War,
Nation Building,
National Security
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Syndication Weekly
I introduce into this weekly feature, a women, Mona Charen. She is a very accomplished syndicated columnist, and political analyst. In her latest column she addresses the press and presents a challenge for them to consider. Charen discusses the recent rash of episodes involving disturbed individuals who commit heinous crimes. She points to the Omaha shooter, the man at the Hillary Clinton headquarters in New Hampshire, and the Virginia Tech tragedy. The problem is the coverage of the media who gives these people a name and face. The thought is that this might lead to copycats that will respond with their own attention-seeking behavior. That is Charen's message in this column, these are individuals seeking fame. With a life of little notice or distinction these types of people seek out that one glorious moment when the whole world will know their name. This is where the danger in presenting these people with a stage to conduct their gruesome play. It seems to be an ever increasing reality of our society that is mesmerized by reality t.v., Charen writes about the American lust for fame. She calls upon the media to take ownership of the problem, because it a problem for them to handle alone. Charen points to the fact that the media has limited itself to not publishing the names of rape victims. She would ask the same treatment for those who commit such horrendous crimes. As she puts it, "deny oxygen to this terrible fire," I could not agree more.
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The Daily Drudge
The top headline from The Drudge Report
Clinton Camp Targets Obama's Drug Use
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Clinton Camp Targets Obama's Drug Use
Courtesy of
Monday, December 10, 2007
Fox News All-Stars
The Sunday crowd covered many topics. One of the things discussed was the campaign of Barack Obama. He has risen in the polls and has found a new campaign partner in Oprah Winfrey. The group discussed what impact if any this will have on his run for his party's nomination. The round table also talked about Mitt Romney's faith speech he made recently. Some have called this his J.F.K. moment, alluding to the speech President Kennedy made about his Catholic faith. The panel notes that Romney's speech might be to Huckabee's rise, especially in Iowa, and the competition for the evangelical vote. Finally the all-stars discussed the recent issue of the CIA and the destruction of videotapes. The issue is starting to garner attention, especially by Democrats in Congress.
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The Daily Drudge

The top headline from The Drudge Report
The Woman Who Stopped the Carnage
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Sunday, December 09, 2007
Juan Cole on Romney Speech
You know I have a problem with people like Juan Cole. For those of you not plugged into the liberal talkosphere, Cole runs the Informed Comment website. On one of his recent intellectual meanderings he touched on the speech given by Mitt Romney regarding his religion. First off I must say that as an evangelical christian, I can hardly agree with Mormonism. But beyond that I could put that aside when looking for a qualified candidate for president. It is the so called enlightened liberal intellectuals that always focus on religion. Cole like many of his ilk seem so threatened by the mere mention of God. Contrary to Cole's statements in his article our nation was founded with a higher power in mind. Our founding fathers did realize that our rights and privileges stem from this higher power. Our history is replete with this knowledge in our buildings and founding documents. Cole seems to feel as if Republicans put to much emphasis on religion and choosing their candidates. In doing so he considers Republicans a monolith that only votes one way. The truth is that the Republican party has become more big tent, especially in this election season. The truth is that many in the Republican party value a candidate with a strong moral foundation rooted in a strong faith in God. Some may call that a litmus test. I would rather test my candidate against that position, and not one who would allow the taking of innocent life and call it right to privacy. Cole asked if a secular candidate could pass through the Republican litmus test. I would ask him in light of the left-wing take over of his party, could a religious candidate pass his party's secularized litmus test?
Informed Comment,
Juan Cole,
Mitt Romney,
Richardson's Words on Iraq, Same Old Liberal Rhetoric
Bill Richardson seems to think that Iraq is not being given the attention it should. In a recent posting on the Huffington Post, the New Mexico Governor revealed his shock at the lack of attention paid to Iraq during the recent NPR Democratic forum in Iowa. His message was not new, too many soldiers, too much money. Gov. Richardson pointed out that with the surge going on in Iraq we are stifling what reconciliation might take place, and we are also limiting our military readiness by spreading our forces too thin. Maybe the Governor would like to talk with Bill Clinton about overseeing a significant draw down in forces during the 1990's. And for the reconciliation that would take place if we were not there, are forces are what is keeping the fragile country together and away from the hands of islamofascists. Instead Richardson bemoans our spending of money in Iraq instead of providing entitlements and preventing global warming. The Governor does get one thing right in his article. He manages to point out the inconsistency of his fellow candidates' message on Iraq. The have-it-both-ways crowd was shouting down our involvement in Iraq but would keep troops until 2013. As things improve in Iraq the key will be to see how the Democrats respond. Recent comments seem to suggest a hedging of their bets to capitalize on things if they go well, a far cry from previous statements denouncing the war as a hopeless and lost cause.
Bill Richardson,
Huffington Post,
Firedoglake Poster Calls Huckabee Candidate for Craziest Republican
Over at Firedoglake I would not expect them to show any restraint when talking about Republicans. Nor should any expect any rational thought or anything other then a double standard. Jane Hamsher posted on the site as she referred to Huckabee as leading the case for craziest Republican. Where does this label come from? Where all liberals start with conservatives, their religion. Since liberals are godless they constantly attack those who share their faith and personal relationship to him. Nevermind that when any conservative speaks calls of rascist and bigot abound. Apparently the freedom of religion gives us the right to practice our faith as long as it does not include one thing, God.
Friday, December 07, 2007
The Daily Drudge

The top headline from The Drudge Report
Newsweek Poll: Huckabee Doubles Romney in Iowa
Courtesy of
The New Media's Betrayal of General Petraeus by James Smith
I watched the mainstream television media's nightly news programs over the last several days. I even turned the channel so I could hear different programs. The one thing I learned from these broadcasts comes from what these networks are not reporting. There was not any news on Iraq. Not a single story. No daily suicide bombings. No massacres. No civil war with chaos and conflict. No stories about the American quagmire.
In September, the media was in a near frenzy about the Iraq war with the testimony of General Petreaus in front of the members of Congress. The chaos in the streets of Iraq was reported on a nightly basis. Now, we can't even get a single story from our television media on Iraq on the nightly news. It is becoming clearer with each passing day that Al- Qaeda is being soundly defeated in Iraq. Even Osama bin laden's recent audio tape in Iraq indirectly admits as much. In fact, though we may not be able to find much positive news from Iraq on American television, Aljazeera has been reporting since early November that the Iraqi people have turned on Al-Qaeda and are taking back their country.
The latest statistics from Iraq confirm that the American troop surge is working. The data indicates that bombings and attacks of every kind in the country are down by more than half. Therefore, the real story which is not being reported by the mainstream news media, is the effectiveness of the United States military in restoring order and defeating the insurgency in Iraq. The military victory is a direct result of the capable leadership of General David Petreaus.
The statistics in Iraq showing a dramatic drop in violence are indications that the troop surge led by General Petreaus is working, but there are many other signs as well. The tone and direction of the Iraq war debate in the Democratic presidential primary has changed. The candidates are now acknowledging success with the surge while still questioning the effectiveness of Iraq's government to implement an ultimate political solution. The discussion of the issue of Iraq has gone from hot button to muted in the last several weeks on the campaign trail as well.
Then there is the somewhat surprising commentary from the liberal press. Consider this quote written recently by Marty Perez in The New Republic: "Up to now, Democrats have been stinting in their recognition that the situation in Iraq has improved: 'Yes, violence is down a bit, but...' That is the wrong posture. They need to celebrate the success, as long as it lasts, as enthusiastically as the Republicans. They also need to stop harrying the administration with symbolic war-funding measures demanding a timetable for rapid withdrawal, as though nothing has changed. This would take little away from their larger valid criticisms of the war and of its conduct until very recently."
Also, consider this recent quote from Newsweek's Charles Peters: "I have been troubled by the reluctance of my fellow liberals to acknowledge the progress made in Iraq in the last six months, a reluctance I am embarrassed to admit that I have shared. Giving Gen. David Petraeus his due does not mean we have to start saying it was a great idea to invade Iraq. It remains the terrible idea it always was. And the occupation that followed has been until recently a continuing disaster. ... Still, the fact is that the situation in Iraq, though some violence persists, is much improved since the summer. Why do liberals not want to face this fact, let alone ponder its implications?"
The positive signs in Iraq are indeed everywhere. Even Rep. John Murtha (after a Thanksgiving trip to Iraq) said; "I think the 'surge' is working," describing the President's decision to commit more than 20,000 additional combat troops this year. But the Iraqis "have got to take care of themselves." The antiwar Murtha has spent months of time in the House of Representatives in 2007 crafting bills to prevent the very troop surge he now says is "working".
Also, consider this recent story in the New York Sun: "'Talks Are Set on Ending Battle of Iraq -- Quiet Announcement Signals Start of US, Iraq Parley' -- "And so the Battle of Iraq is to be brought to an end, in T.S. Eliot's phrase, 'not with a bang but a whimper.' With the eyes of the world focused on the Middle East peace talks in Annapolis, Md., President Bush's war tsar, Lieutenant General Douglas Lute, quietly announced that the American and Iraqi governments will start talks early next year to bring about an end to the allied occupation by the close of Mr. Bush's presidency. The negotiations will bring to a formal conclusion the U.N. Chapter 7 Security Council involvement in the occupation and administration of Iraq, and are expected to reduce the number of American troops to about 50,000 troops permanently stationed there but largely confined to barracks, from the current 164,000 forces on active duty".
The talks to withdraw most of our troops from Iraq by the end of 2008 is yet another indication that the troop surge has been successful. The truth is that General Petreaus has given America an opportunity to claim victory in Iraq, and end this war. The television news media does not report any of this and, in effect, does a disservice to the men and women in Iraq who fight for this country. This lack of effective media reporting in Iraq is also a betrayal of its responsibility to report to America the incredible success of its military under General David Petreaus.
James William Smith has worked in senior management positions for some of the largest financial services firms in the United States for the last twenty five years. He has also provided business consulting support for insurance organizations and start up businesses. Mr. Smith has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Boston College. He enjoys writing articles on political, national, and world events. Visit his website at
In September, the media was in a near frenzy about the Iraq war with the testimony of General Petreaus in front of the members of Congress. The chaos in the streets of Iraq was reported on a nightly basis. Now, we can't even get a single story from our television media on Iraq on the nightly news. It is becoming clearer with each passing day that Al- Qaeda is being soundly defeated in Iraq. Even Osama bin laden's recent audio tape in Iraq indirectly admits as much. In fact, though we may not be able to find much positive news from Iraq on American television, Aljazeera has been reporting since early November that the Iraqi people have turned on Al-Qaeda and are taking back their country.
The latest statistics from Iraq confirm that the American troop surge is working. The data indicates that bombings and attacks of every kind in the country are down by more than half. Therefore, the real story which is not being reported by the mainstream news media, is the effectiveness of the United States military in restoring order and defeating the insurgency in Iraq. The military victory is a direct result of the capable leadership of General David Petreaus.
The statistics in Iraq showing a dramatic drop in violence are indications that the troop surge led by General Petreaus is working, but there are many other signs as well. The tone and direction of the Iraq war debate in the Democratic presidential primary has changed. The candidates are now acknowledging success with the surge while still questioning the effectiveness of Iraq's government to implement an ultimate political solution. The discussion of the issue of Iraq has gone from hot button to muted in the last several weeks on the campaign trail as well.
Then there is the somewhat surprising commentary from the liberal press. Consider this quote written recently by Marty Perez in The New Republic: "Up to now, Democrats have been stinting in their recognition that the situation in Iraq has improved: 'Yes, violence is down a bit, but...' That is the wrong posture. They need to celebrate the success, as long as it lasts, as enthusiastically as the Republicans. They also need to stop harrying the administration with symbolic war-funding measures demanding a timetable for rapid withdrawal, as though nothing has changed. This would take little away from their larger valid criticisms of the war and of its conduct until very recently."
Also, consider this recent quote from Newsweek's Charles Peters: "I have been troubled by the reluctance of my fellow liberals to acknowledge the progress made in Iraq in the last six months, a reluctance I am embarrassed to admit that I have shared. Giving Gen. David Petraeus his due does not mean we have to start saying it was a great idea to invade Iraq. It remains the terrible idea it always was. And the occupation that followed has been until recently a continuing disaster. ... Still, the fact is that the situation in Iraq, though some violence persists, is much improved since the summer. Why do liberals not want to face this fact, let alone ponder its implications?"
The positive signs in Iraq are indeed everywhere. Even Rep. John Murtha (after a Thanksgiving trip to Iraq) said; "I think the 'surge' is working," describing the President's decision to commit more than 20,000 additional combat troops this year. But the Iraqis "have got to take care of themselves." The antiwar Murtha has spent months of time in the House of Representatives in 2007 crafting bills to prevent the very troop surge he now says is "working".
Also, consider this recent story in the New York Sun: "'Talks Are Set on Ending Battle of Iraq -- Quiet Announcement Signals Start of US, Iraq Parley' -- "And so the Battle of Iraq is to be brought to an end, in T.S. Eliot's phrase, 'not with a bang but a whimper.' With the eyes of the world focused on the Middle East peace talks in Annapolis, Md., President Bush's war tsar, Lieutenant General Douglas Lute, quietly announced that the American and Iraqi governments will start talks early next year to bring about an end to the allied occupation by the close of Mr. Bush's presidency. The negotiations will bring to a formal conclusion the U.N. Chapter 7 Security Council involvement in the occupation and administration of Iraq, and are expected to reduce the number of American troops to about 50,000 troops permanently stationed there but largely confined to barracks, from the current 164,000 forces on active duty".
The talks to withdraw most of our troops from Iraq by the end of 2008 is yet another indication that the troop surge has been successful. The truth is that General Petreaus has given America an opportunity to claim victory in Iraq, and end this war. The television news media does not report any of this and, in effect, does a disservice to the men and women in Iraq who fight for this country. This lack of effective media reporting in Iraq is also a betrayal of its responsibility to report to America the incredible success of its military under General David Petreaus.
James William Smith has worked in senior management positions for some of the largest financial services firms in the United States for the last twenty five years. He has also provided business consulting support for insurance organizations and start up businesses. Mr. Smith has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Boston College. He enjoys writing articles on political, national, and world events. Visit his website at
current affairs,
General Petraeus,
Iraq War,
Thursday, December 06, 2007
The Daily Drudge

The top headline from The Drudge Report
Omaha, Nebraska experienced a horrific tragedy yesterday. Robert A. Hawkins, age 19, went on a shooting rampage inside the Von Maur store located in Westroads Mall. In the process eight individuals were killed by Hawkins and several more were wounded. Hawkins ended up taking his own life. Reports are that Hawkins used an AK-47 in his assault. The names of those killed have been released and they are: Gary Scharf, 48, a customer and resident of Lincoln; John McDonald, 65, a customer and resident of Council Bluffs, Iowa; Angie Schuster, 36, an employee; Maggie Webb, 24, an employee; Janet Jorgenson, 66, an employee; Diane Trent, 53, an employee; Gary Joy, 56, an employee; and Beverly Flynn, 47, an employee.
Picture and list of victims names taken from
Robert A. Hawkins,
Von Maur,
Westroads Mall
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
The Daily Drudge
The top headline from The Drudge Report
Courtesy of
Courtesy of
Monday, December 03, 2007
The Daily Drudge
The top headline from The Drudge Report
Courtesy of
Courtesy of
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Fox News All Stars
The Sunday panel focused on the recent claims of improper use of funds by former New York city mayor Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani denied such impropriety occured in regards to his funding of his security detail when he was mayor. The panel also talked about former President Clinton's statements declaring he never supported the Iraq war, contrary former statements. Finally the panel comments on the elections in Venezuela and Russia. They discuss the leaders of both countries, who have taken more and more control of their countries at the cost of full expression of democracy, in Russia and certainly in Venezuela.
Courtesy of
Courtesy of
Bill Clinton,
Fox News All-Stars,
Iraq War,
Rudy Giuliani,
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Syndication Weekly
In a belated return to my regularly scheduled blog contribution I turn to the venerable conservative columnist, George Will. In his latest writings, Will focuses on the issue created by Senator Daniel Akaka of Hawaii, who aims to get special recognition for "Native Hawaiians." Will points out the favor that this singling out of a racial group would garner from the likes of Hermann Goering himself. The Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act would set up a Native Hawaiian Governing Entity which might lead to issues of, reparations, Independence, or even secession. Much opposition has been voiced against the legislation by groups and individuals for differing reasons
Opposition to the Akaka Bill includes:
1.Those who believe that the bill is unconstitutionally race-based;
2.Those who believe that it could begin the process of secession of a single racial group from the United States;
3.Those who believe that it could thwart the process of secession of Hawaii from the United States and the restoration of an independent Hawaiian nation controlled by native Hawaiians (native Hawaiian sovereignty activists);
4.The United States Commission on Civil Rights
5.The administration under President George W. Bush, which issued a letter arguing against the earlier version of the bill
6.Aloha for All, a Hawaii based civil rights group;
7.The Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, a Hawaii based think-tank
Source material taken from
As Will points out in his article, Congress does not create tribes but recognizes them by measure of certain stated criteria. The many who read about such lesson should not be surprised to know that it is being lead by a Democrat. The party has certainly tried to fight every social fight and to correct every perceived wrong, even if it must be created by their legislation. The problem is the few Republicans who have gone along with the legislation. A further example of a few individuals who have not figured out their proper role in government. The nation that we have tried to build as one of oneness and undivided will once again have to stand up against the forces of liberals who try to divide and separate.
Taken from George Will's article, Guess who is fomenting racial disharmony in paradise?, Courtesy of The Jewish World Review
Opposition to the Akaka Bill includes:
1.Those who believe that the bill is unconstitutionally race-based;
2.Those who believe that it could begin the process of secession of a single racial group from the United States;
3.Those who believe that it could thwart the process of secession of Hawaii from the United States and the restoration of an independent Hawaiian nation controlled by native Hawaiians (native Hawaiian sovereignty activists);
4.The United States Commission on Civil Rights
5.The administration under President George W. Bush, which issued a letter arguing against the earlier version of the bill
6.Aloha for All, a Hawaii based civil rights group;
7.The Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, a Hawaii based think-tank
Source material taken from
As Will points out in his article, Congress does not create tribes but recognizes them by measure of certain stated criteria. The many who read about such lesson should not be surprised to know that it is being lead by a Democrat. The party has certainly tried to fight every social fight and to correct every perceived wrong, even if it must be created by their legislation. The problem is the few Republicans who have gone along with the legislation. A further example of a few individuals who have not figured out their proper role in government. The nation that we have tried to build as one of oneness and undivided will once again have to stand up against the forces of liberals who try to divide and separate.
Taken from George Will's article, Guess who is fomenting racial disharmony in paradise?, Courtesy of The Jewish World Review
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