Sunday, December 09, 2007

Richardson's Words on Iraq, Same Old Liberal Rhetoric

Bill Richardson seems to think that Iraq is not being given the attention it should. In a recent posting on the Huffington Post, the New Mexico Governor revealed his shock at the lack of attention paid to Iraq during the recent NPR Democratic forum in Iowa. His message was not new, too many soldiers, too much money. Gov. Richardson pointed out that with the surge going on in Iraq we are stifling what reconciliation might take place, and we are also limiting our military readiness by spreading our forces too thin. Maybe the Governor would like to talk with Bill Clinton about overseeing a significant draw down in forces during the 1990's. And for the reconciliation that would take place if we were not there, are forces are what is keeping the fragile country together and away from the hands of islamofascists. Instead Richardson bemoans our spending of money in Iraq instead of providing entitlements and preventing global warming. The Governor does get one thing right in his article. He manages to point out the inconsistency of his fellow candidates' message on Iraq. The have-it-both-ways crowd was shouting down our involvement in Iraq but would keep troops until 2013. As things improve in Iraq the key will be to see how the Democrats respond. Recent comments seem to suggest a hedging of their bets to capitalize on things if they go well, a far cry from previous statements denouncing the war as a hopeless and lost cause.

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