Sunday, December 09, 2007

Juan Cole on Romney Speech

You know I have a problem with people like Juan Cole. For those of you not plugged into the liberal talkosphere, Cole runs the Informed Comment website. On one of his recent intellectual meanderings he touched on the speech given by Mitt Romney regarding his religion. First off I must say that as an evangelical christian, I can hardly agree with Mormonism. But beyond that I could put that aside when looking for a qualified candidate for president. It is the so called enlightened liberal intellectuals that always focus on religion. Cole like many of his ilk seem so threatened by the mere mention of God. Contrary to Cole's statements in his article our nation was founded with a higher power in mind. Our founding fathers did realize that our rights and privileges stem from this higher power. Our history is replete with this knowledge in our buildings and founding documents. Cole seems to feel as if Republicans put to much emphasis on religion and choosing their candidates. In doing so he considers Republicans a monolith that only votes one way. The truth is that the Republican party has become more big tent, especially in this election season. The truth is that many in the Republican party value a candidate with a strong moral foundation rooted in a strong faith in God. Some may call that a litmus test. I would rather test my candidate against that position, and not one who would allow the taking of innocent life and call it right to privacy. Cole asked if a secular candidate could pass through the Republican litmus test. I would ask him in light of the left-wing take over of his party, could a religious candidate pass his party's secularized litmus test?

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