Wednesday, November 01, 2006


It seems as if John Kerry really has no interest in running again for president at least not president of the United States. In a rally the other day for California Governor hopeful Phil Angelides Kerry made sure to let his Northeastern Liberalism show. Kerry claimed that if a person is uneducated and does not attend college then they will end up on the frontlines in Iraq. The senator's inflammatory remarks serve only to show how liberals truly feel about our military. They cannot understand how an intelligent person would volunteer to fight and defend their country against the evils of our time. Liberals like Kerry seem to have the opinion that only the poor and uneducated fill our military ranks when that is simply false. The military is made up of a wide cross-section of individuals from all walks of life and all education levels. After Kerry's statement their has been a concerted effort by the media to cover up Kerry's remarks or to explain them as simply a joke gone bad. The only joke I see is Senator Kerry and others of his ilk who have a hard time covering up their deep seeded arrogance.

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