Monday, November 06, 2006

On the Eve of Destruction

We now stand roughly twenty-four hours from election day and the stakes could not be higher. It now seems an old cliche to declare the current election as the most important but in this off year it very well could be. The country is faced with either choosing between Democrats or Republicans as third parties have not garnered any real political support since Ross Perot. On one side of the coin you have a party who will fill the next two years with endless hearings on everything the Republicans have done and will actively seek impeachment for Bush. This is not just the ravings of a mad Conservative, Representative John Conyers D-MI has already drawn up the papers. Charlie Rangel wants to repeal all the Bush tax cuts so the Democrats can spend our money on bureaucratic waste. The Democrats have clearly stated that they oppose the war in Iraq and want to cut and run, I mean "redeploy", our troops to Okinawa courtesy of the likes of John Murtha. On the other side of the coin you have Republicans which I fully admit have not always taken the best course on certain issues like immigration but are finally coming around. I believe the choice is clear for you the voter on election day. If you feel you do not pay enough money to the government or want to cut and run in Iraq and turn the balance of power over to the Islamic fascists then by all means go ahead. The great part about our country is that we have the right to make disastrous decisions but in this point in history with the stakes as high as they are I do not think we need to give liberals the keys to the country. We need an election where ideas and ideals are influencing factors not blind hatred or to teach a party a lesson. With the situation as it is in the world it is to dangerous to play games with our security and preservation as a nation.

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