Thursday, January 31, 2008

According to Rasmussen McCain Tops Obama and Clinton

The latest Rasmussen Report compares John McCain head to head with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. John McCain comes out on top against the Democrat duo. The numbers are this, McCain leads Clinton 48% to 40% and Senator Obama 47% to 41%. The data shows an interesting and emerging trend by McCain on an upward surge, no pun intended. This has been in correlation with each of his primary wins. McCain leads the other two in most demographic areas. This would seem to bode well for Republicans hoping to maintain control over the White House. The problem is that John McCain has had his critics mainly from the conservative base who questions his conservative credentials. Some might argue that simply winning is enough no matter who the candidate is on the ballot. McCain is gaining momentum and Mitt Romney is trying to stem McCain's surging tide toward the nomination. Conservatives may have to chose between voting for McCain, not voting or turning to a third party. Either of the last two options would almost certainly lead to a Democrat win.
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