Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Syndication Weekly

It's the economy stupid. Those were the sentiments of Bill Clinton the first time he ran for President and the title of Phyllis Schafly's latest column. Politics sometimes comes down to a catchphrase and may get you elected. Bill used the feeling about the economy back in '92 to beat Bush the elder out of a second term. Schafly ask whether the same thing might happen this election cycle. After all we have all been hit over the head with economic talk from talking heads that have been predicting disaster on a daily basis. We even have another Clinton running for office, but no Bush although you would not no it from the Democratic candidates campaign rhetoric. Mantra seems to be what we hear from both sides of the aisle and Schafly ask if it will be nothing more then the same. Both sides seem to have their answers that can be pulled out of their pockets are read off at a moment's notice. The column points out that it has been certain U.S. policies that have created much of our current problems. This would include our dealings with immigration which has been minimal or pathetically inept. In Schafly's mind Free Trade has not lived up to its monikor, and the U.S. worker has payed the price. A debate over Free Trade can take place at another time. I agree that many are looking for those who can restore jobs and are looking at the candidates for answers.
Courtesy of www.eagleforum.org

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