Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Black Gold, Texas Tea

The talk of oil prices has certainly been the number one news story recently. People seem to feel that we are being gouged at the pump. People seem to want to blame "big oil" when it is our government officials we should be blaming. How about the politicians beholden to environmentalists. They say no to drilling in the artic and exploring for more oil resources. Then people complain that the price of oil goes up. It is the simple theory of supply and demand. People around the world are using more oil and supply has not been significantly increased especially in the United States. I agree with trying to find alternate sources of energy but we should be able to use the natural resources that we have at our disposal. Sorry to say but oil companies do not set the price of oil. We as a nation do need to decrease our dependence on foreign oil as a national security issue. We need to make it known to our politicians that they should listen to our ideas and not those on the left that are more worried about intruding on some caribou in Alaska then our survival.

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