Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sorry Democrats No Heavy Breather

I hate to disappoint the Democrats on the NSA issue but there is no one listening to the conversation between you and your wife or kids. President Bush and Laura are not popping popcorn and sitting in front of a fire and listening to two ladies in Michingan exchangin recipes for the world's best chocolate chip cookies. Democrats want to add this to the issues that they think they can exploit and use in the run up to the elections. Sorry Democrats as far as I am concerned this is a non-issue. From what I have gathered the only thing gathered is phone numbers which are checked to make sure no one has Osama on speed dial. I am sorry if liberals feel they have an expectation of privacy on this matter because they don't just ask the Supreme Court. So people like Patrick "Leaky" Leahy and others on his side of the aisle can stop with their ridiculous comments. I can not believe that Senator Leahy believes the president is doing this for kicks and giggles. Mr. Leahy needs to go back to what he does best and that is trying to obstruct qualified judges from the bench. If Democrats think the NSA is listening in to their conversations like some heavy breather then maybe they should stop calling numbers that begin with 1-900.

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