Monday, May 01, 2006

The Great Debate

The immigration debate is firmly entrenched in the present political landscape. Both the advocates for and the opponents against illegal immigration have tried to make their voices known. It is disheartening as a Republican to see many Republicans caving on this issue simply to not alienate a future political base. Republicans should be leading on this issue. Instead Democrats have tried to exploit the issue for political gains. In this post 9/11 world their exists a real need to defend our borders. It seems that some politicians do not see the immediacy of securing our borders. Some will say that those people opposing illegals in this country are anti-immigrant but that is simply not true. I can say for myself that I am most definitely not opposed to immigration. The point is that those wanting to enter the country must follow the system in place and wait their turn inline. We are a country of laws and laws need to be followed to preserve are democratic way of life. This system is what has made the United States a great country and those illegals breaking such laws should remember this as they proclaim to love America.

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