Monday, May 29, 2006

We Remember on Memorial Day

I would just like to write a simple thank you to the soldiers who serve our country with bravery, dignity, and honor. We should remember our troops more than just one day a year but Memorial Day is a great time to show our appreciation for those who serve willingly in the face of danger. It should not matter how you feel about the war against those who would destroy our very way of life we should be willing to support the soldiers who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice with their lives to defend our freedoms. Make no mistake about it the troops over in the middle east are defending our freedom to live as we do. Those who attacked on 9/11 who opposed to the way we lived and feel we are infidels who must be eliminated. America has a long proud history of men and women answering the call to serve. So on this Memorial Day I would like to thank the soldiers who willingly sign up to fight and defend me and every other American. We owe more than we could ever repay to those from the greatest generation to the new greatest generation fighting in Afganistan and Iraq.

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